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添加时间:2016-05-18 13:47:57 来源:储能科学与技术杂志

摘要:随着锂离子电池在动力和储能等新能源领域应用的不断拓展,传统锂离子电池的性能已经无法满足新兴领域的要求,作为影响锂离子电池性能的关键材料,隔膜制备技术急需深入研究和发展.目前,从组成材料和结构可以将锂电池隔膜分成如下五类:① 聚烯烃微孔膜;② 改性聚烯烃微孔膜;③ 有机-无机复合膜;④ 纳米纤维膜;⑤ 固态电解质膜.本文介绍了新能源领域锂离子电池的发展对隔膜性能的严格要求,简要分析了聚烯烃隔膜的缺点,重点综述了各类型锂电隔膜的研究成果,讨论了改性聚烯烃隔膜,复合膜,纳米纤维膜及固态电解质膜的特点及应用情况,指出了安全性和均一性是下一代锂电隔膜的基本要求及关键性能,并展望了锂电隔膜的未来发展方向.

关键词 : 锂离子电池 , 隔膜 , 复合膜 , 改性 , 安全性

Abstract:Recently, there are intensive efforts to develop advanced separators for lithium-ion batteries for different applications such as electric vehicles and energy storage. This paper summarizes the requirements of battery separators and the structure and properties of five important types: ①polyolefin separators; ②modified polyolefin separators; ③composite separator; ④nano-fiber separator, and ⑤ electrolyte membranes. The performance requirements for lithium ion battery separator are introduced and the current research results of various types of power lithium ion battery separator are reviewed. The features and applications of the modified separators for lithium ion battery are introduced. It is noted that the safety related properties and uniformity are the key performances of battery separator. The outlooks and future directions in this research field are given.

Key words: lithium-ion battery separator composite separator modification safety

肖伟, 巩亚群, 王红, 赵丽娜, 刘建国, 严川伟
