阳光电源携手IBC SOLAR 助力Maniago项目新近并网
添加时间:2013-01-22 11:10:05
该电站位于意大利曼尼亚哥,总装机容量5MW,由全球领先的光伏系统专家IBC SOLAR AG公司开发、设计并施工完成。建成后可实现年产太阳能清洁能源6百万千瓦时,能够满足1500个意大利家庭使用,年减排CO2约3300吨。
阳光电源副总裁兼海外销售事业部总经理王卫军表示:“阳光电源始终为客户提供优质的产品及服务,研发新产品或升级某项技术时注重客户眼前和潜在的需求,对于可再生能源行业孜孜不倦的专注为我们赢得了遍布全球、越来越多的忠实伙伴,是的,所谓成功就应该是共赢。”自2012年9月起,阳光电源与IBC SOLAR正式达成合作,IBC将在各大欧洲市场全面引入阳光电源逆变器,包括应用在自己投资的部分电站。“将阳光电源旗下产品纳入我司产品目录,使得我们拓宽了优质产品范围,具备了更为理想的性价比。”,IBC SOLAR董事会成员Norbert Hahn表示。
据了解,经过一段时间的运行,该光伏电站的所有控制功能在任何情况下均满足电网公司要求,并能与作为阳光电源合作伙伴的Solare-Datensysteme, Meteo-Control,Skytron and Papendorf-SE等公司产品兼容。
IBC SOLAR 是一家提供太阳能发电全套解决方案的太阳能光伏企业,在全球处于领先地位。公司业务范围广泛,提供从太阳能电站的设计规划到实施运行的全方位服务。IBC SOLAR在全球已经参与了超过12万个光伏太阳能设施的建设项目,装机总容量超过2.0 GWp。这些设施包括大型光伏太阳能电站和太阳能公园,通过并网或独立系统供电。IBC SOLAR通过广泛的贸易伙伴网络进行光伏设备元件及系统的销售。作为总承包商,IBC SOLAR可承担大型太阳能电站的设计与建设。通过IBC SOLAR的维护与监控,太阳能公园能够保持最佳运营状态。
IBC SOLAR于1982年成立于德国Bad Staffelstein,在全球拥有多家子公司,目前有440名左右的员工,约300人在德国总部工作。IBC SOLAR的全球销售团队由位于德国 Bad Staffelstein的总部直接领导。
Sungrow joined hands with IBC SOLAR
in the newly-connected Maniago installation
As the largest Asian producer of PV inverters, Sungrow Power Supply Co,. Ltd recently announced that a 5MW-peak power large scale PV plant using Sungrow PV inverters has been successfully connected to the Italian medium voltage grid in winter 2012.
The plant is located in Maniago with 5MW installation capacity in total, and was developed, engineered and constructed by IBC SOLAR AG, a leading global specialist in photovoltaic systems. The solar park produces about 6 million kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly solar power per year, enough to supply 1,500 Italian households and save approx. 3,300 tons of harmful CO2 emissions.
It’s reported that Sungrow supplied all the 321pcs of three-phase string inverters to this installation for the high-efficiency conversion of generated DC-power into AC-power to be fed into the electricity grid. Compared to central inverters, string inverters are light-weighted but still with high efficiency, making this distributed-inverter concept flexible and easy to handle without lift machinery assistance, and also help EPCs, investors and developers to reduce the cost of installation and maintenance.
“Sungrow always provides customers with high-quality products and services, and paid attention to clients’ present and prospective demands when we developed a new product or upgraded a type of technology, and our long-last focus on the renewable energy industry brought us more and more honest partners all around the world, indeed, since success is to be shared. ”, Mr. Raymond Wong, V.P. of Sungrow, said. Since September 2012, Sungrow has been an official partner of IBC SOLAR AG which is distributing Sungrow’s inverters into various European markets and also using them for some of their own PV plants. “By including Sungrow inverters into our product portfolio, we are expanding our broad range of high-quality products offering an ideal price-performance ratio,” said Norbert Hahn, IBC SOLAR board member.
It’s known as after a period of steady operation, all control functions of the PV plant which could in any case be required by the utility companies, can be implemented together with Sungrow’s partner companies Solare-Datensysteme, Meteo-Control,Skytron and Papendorf-SE.
About Sungrow
Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd., founded in 1997, is a high-tech enterprise engaged in development of power supply equipment for renewable energy, especially PV inverters, other equipments and technology used in PV plant. Among more than 1000 employees,over 30% are R&D engineers. Sungrow has representative offices and branch companies in France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Australia and other countries.
According to a report of IMS research, Sungrow ranked the 5th largest PV inverter manufacturer in the world in 2011 by shippment. With over 2500MW installation capacity globally, of which 450MW is installed in Europe, Australia and North America, Sungrow is the largest PV inverter manufacturer of Asia, and established solid reputation all around the world. For more information, please visit www.sungrowpower.com.
IBC SOLAR is a leading global specialist in photovoltaic systems, offering complete solutions for power production from solar energy. The firm covers the entire spectrum, from planning to the turnkey handover of photovoltaic installations. Globally, IBC SOLAR has already implemented more than 120,000 turnkey photovoltaic systems with a total power of more than 2.0 gigawatts (GWp). The scale of these installations ranges from large photovoltaic power stations and solar parks, which feed electricity into the grid, to off-grid systems. IBC SOLAR sells its photovoltaic components and systems over an extensive network of trade partners. As a general contractor, IBC SOLAR plans and implements large scale solar projects. Through maintenance and monitoring, IBC SOLAR ensures an optimal performance of the solar parks.
IBC SOLAR was founded in 1982 in Bad Staffelstein, Germany. IBC SOLAR is represented by several subsidiaries around the world and currently employs around 440 people, of which approximately 300 work in Germany. The international business group IBC SOLAR is directed from its headquarters in Bad Staffelstein.