Internal Feedback Speed Regulation Principle of
屈维谦 Qu Weiqian河北省电机工程学会副理事长
Vice president of Hebei Electrical Engineering Institute
Feedback speed regulation is a new AC speed regulation technology firstly made in our country. It has the characteristic of high efficiency, significant energy saving, low cost and high reliability. It is especially suitable for speed regulation of high-voltage asynchronous machine
This paper has given a new interpretation for principle and focused on analysis of its speed regulation performance according to the P theory and spend regulation formula specified in document 1.
Both and variable speed control belong to electromagnetic power control. Their principle and performance are the same. The main difference between them is that internal feedback controls the rotor, but frequency controls stator. Traditional theory of speed regulation classification and criteria for speed regulation performance are not scientific.
Brushes and slip rings are technical bottlenecks that obstruct the development of internal feedback speed regulation. This paper introduces effective solutions and the effects.
P理论 内馈调速 电磁功率控制 附加电源 内馈电机 调速效率
P Theory”,Inter-feedback regulation,Electromagnetic power control,Additional Power Source,inter-feedback motor,Speed-regulation Efficiency.
前 言
1. 内馈调速的基本原理
为了便于理解内馈调速的原理,首先回顾文献1 的P理论主要结论:
l 电机调速的实质是机械功率PM的控制;
l 根据,电气的调速原理分为电磁功率控制和损耗功率控制,前者是通过电磁功率控制来改变理想空载转速(而非同步转速n1),属于高效率的调速;后者是通过增大损耗功率来增大转速降,属于低效率的调速;
l 电机的转速普遍表达为
(2) 式中的 ——转子的净电磁功率 ——电磁转矩。 并据此导出
(3) 其中 ——转子的合电势 ——转子电势系数,(参见文献1) ——主磁通量。
l 对于异步机,电磁功率调速的控制对象可以选择定子或转子,两者具有基本相同的调速性能。