The 4th International Battery and Energy Storage Technology Expo
助推第三次工业革命 · 引领中国能源行业发展
Boosting the third industrial revolution, guiding development trend of energy industry in China
时间:2019年5月7-9日 地点:广州琶洲·国际采购中心
邀 请 函
Invitation Letter
Guided by: National Energy Administration of the People’s Republic of China
主办单位:中国电池联盟 中国非金属矿工业协会石墨专业委员会
广东省新能源汽车产业协会 广州巨典展览有限公司
Sponsors: China Battery Union
China Non-Metallic Minerals Industry Association Graphite Professional Committee
Guangdong New Energy Vehicles Industry Association
Guangzhou Judian Exhibition Co., Ltd.
支持单位: 南方电网 沈阳蓄电池研究所
Supported by: China Southern Power Grid , Shenyang Storage Battery Research Institute
组织单位: 广州巨典展览有限公司 广州华信展览有限公司
Organized by: Guangzhou Judian Exhibition Co., Ltd.,
Guangzhou HuaXin Exhibition Co., Ltd.
International organizations: Korea Battery Industry Association(KIBA),Battery Association of Japan (BAJ),Energy Storage Association(ESA),German Energy Storage Association(BVES),Australian Energy Storage Alliance (AESA)
特别鸣谢 Special Thanks:
南网能源 国电南自 阳光能源 南都电源 科力远 动力聚能 风帆股份 飞利浦 三星 LG化学 奥迪中国 一汽集团 二汽集团 北汽集团 广汽丰田 申沃客车 江淮汽车 长安汽车 海马汽车 奇瑞科技 万向钱潮 上海通用 三菱重工 日产 本田 丰田 中航锂电 恒力 比亚迪 天能 ATL 力神 比克 沃特玛 福斯特 精进能源 迈科 光宇集团 中聚电池 ……
同期举行 In concurrently with
Review of Past Expo:
CIAAA 2017广州国际电池与储能技术博览会坐拥21000平方米的场地规模,吸引到275家参展商,其中有21家韩国、日本、境外国家地区展商,高达516个展位数量。包括比亚迪、亿纬锂能、沃特玛、汉高、LG、 骆驼、 峰威、耐普、台杏、龙鑫化工、派勒、琅菱、米开罗那、时代高科、叁星飞荣、博亿、欧华、密友、先锋、健达、新马、立马、万基、益民、宇通、霏润、金琨、贝尔、苏试、欧美克、钛玛科、科硕、天蓝、普瑞、福达、诺测等先行企业。
With an exhibition area of 21000m2, CIAAA 2017 Guangzhou International Battery and Energy Storage Technology Expo which offered 516 booths attracted 275 exhibitors, including 21 exhibitors from Korea, Japan, and overseas country Numerous famous brands both home and abroad gathered there, including BYD, EVE Energy ,Henkel, LG, Camel Group, Powin Energy, NPP Power , G-morning, LongXin Machinery, Puhler,Liangling,Mikrouna,Time High-Tech,SanxingFeirong,Boyi,OuHua,MiyouGroup,XianFeng,JianDa,XinMa,LiMa,WanJi,YiMen,YuTong,FenYun,JinKun,Bell,SuShi,Omec, Techmach, KESO ,Blue Skyauto,PuRui,FuDa,NCT Testing and other leading enterprises.
CIAAA 2017是中国极具专业性的电池与储能技术交流会,这是电池与储能技术全产业链人士齐聚一堂的盛会!期间,展会共接待来自全球15多个国家和地区的21327名专业观众。观众人潮谓之可观,第一天观众数量达到11273人数,第二天达到7355人,第三天达到2699人数,其中,特别令人欣喜的数据——海外观众达到516人!以区域来划分国内观众比率数据也相当明晰,来自华南地区的观众占比51.27%,华东36.52%,华北6.11%,西南2.7%,东北2.1%,西北1.2 %。最终,持续三天的展览工作因此获得不错的成绩,其中,51%的展商达成订单意向,帮助77%的展商达到展示形象目的,并且收到81%展商对参展效果表示满意的反馈。
CIAAA 2017 was a professional communicating meeting of battery and energy storage technology and a grand meeting which gathered practitioners in the full industrial chain of battery and energy storage technology! The expo attracted 21327 professional audiences from more than 15 countries and regions in the world, including 11273 audiences on the first day, 7355 audiences on the second day, and 2699 audiences on the third day. The number of audiences was considerable. What was more impressive, 516 foreign audiences visited the expo. The proportions of domestic audiences were explicitly divided in line with the regions where they came from, of which 51.27% audiences came from South China, 36.52% audiences from East China, 6.11% audiences from North China, 2.7% audiences from Southwest China, 2.1% audiences from Northeast China, and 1.2% audiences from Northwest China. Finally, the three-day expo was rewarding. 51% exhibitors reached cooperation intention, 77% exhibitors achieved the goal of showing their images, and 81% exhibitors sent feedbacks to express their satisfaction with the exhibition effect.
前 言:
C IAAA 2019广州国际电池与储能技术博览会将于2019年5月7-9日在广州琶洲国际采购中心1,2,3号馆同时盛绽,共睹破浪迎虹之势!CIAAA2019展览会坐拥30000平方米的场地规模,席间将接待多达600多家来自全球的参展商莅临参加!其中,相关的高峰论坛将多达13场,高效邀约优质参观团87个,专业观众预计将达到50000人。
CIAAA 2019 Guangzhou International Battery and Energy Storage Technology Expo will be held simultaneously at No. 1 , No. 2 and No.3 Halls of Guangzhou International Purchasing Center from May 7 to 9, 2019, jointly witnessing an ambitious trend! With an exhibition area of 30000m2, CIAAA 2019 Expo will attract more than 600 global exhibitors to attend the event! Moreover, 13 related summit forums will be held, 87 efficient and premium visiting groups will be invited. As expected, there will be 50000 audiences visiting the expo.
中国新型能源的快速发展倒逼储能行业飞速前进,以储能行业为代表的能源工业革命将引进“第三次工业变革”。 储能电池预计到2020年容量将达到1665.7Mwh,锂电池占比约为59.34%。储能电池在电力系统、通信基站、家庭储能等领域将于2020年前后迎来产业化发展的高峰阶段,预计复合增长率将达到 117.79% 。据关于先进储能技术的要求,2022-2023 年之前为锂离子储能电池技术的集中攻关时期,之后有望实现试验示范。因此预计2020年之前储能市场增长速度将逐年提高。
The rapid development of new energies boosts energy storage industry to develop by leaps and bounds. Energy industrial revolution represented by energy storage industry will introduce “the third industrial revolution”.It is estimated that the capacity of storage batteries will reach 1665.7Mwh by 2020, and lithium batteries will account for approximately 59.34%.The energy storage battery will be in the peak stage of industrialization development around 2020 in power system, communication base station, family energy storage and other fields , and the compound growth rate is expected to reach 117.79%. According to the requirements of advanced energy storage technologies, the period of 2022-2023 will be focused on the lithium ion battery technology, and it is expected to be followed by demonstrations. Therefore, it is expected that the growth rate of the energy storage market will increase year by year before 2020.
Guangzhou International Battery and Energy Storage Technology Expo, an event which is held annually, will integrate with Local governments,Association ,advanced energy storage technologies,media and the concept of sustainable development to promote exchange and cooperation continuously by following the development trend. It will cooperate with famous enterprises in the industry to support this great project, aiming at perfecting life by using innovative technologies. Against the background of economic prosperity and technology limitation, CIAAA2019 urgently needs to gather the industrial practitioners to hold a dialogue with regard to this blue ocean! CIAAA2019 will keep a foothold in South China to connect to Hong Kong and Macao, drive Southeast Asia and radiate the whole world. As the first professional battery and energy storage technology expo in the new year, it will be incomparable.
Looking ahead, CIAAA will become a weatherglass in battery and energy storage industry, striving for leading sound and rapid development of the industry.
展会亮点:Highlights of exhibition:
● 引领行业的高端论坛及技术讲座
Leading forums and technological lectures in the industry
CIAAA 2017共举办了多场技术研讨会,包括锂电大数据、ofweek锂电网组织在内的重量级锂电产业研讨会,参会嘉宾涵盖发改委、经信委、环保部门、新能源汽车、新能源系统、电池、风光储能、电力系统、银行、通信、交通、地产、产业园区等多行业决策人参与,大会达成“技术创新 · 资源互享”的目的,演讲嘉宾与听会嘉宾各取所需,达成所盼。CIAAA 2019将继续以引领行业的关键技术与市场展望为导向,召开一系列高质量峰会。
CIAAA 2017 held several technical seminars, including the important lithium battery seminar organized by and ofweek. The following distinguished guests attended this seminar: policymakers and decision-makers from National Development and Reform Commission, Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Environmental Protection Authority as well as numerous sectors such as new energy vehicle, new energy system, battery, wind-solar energy storage, electrical power system, bank, communications, transportation, real estate and industrial park, etc. The meeting reached the goal of “technological innovation and resource sharing”. As a result, the lecturers and attendees all took what they needed as expected. CIAAA 2019 will continue holding some top summits, with a focus on leading key technologies in the industry and market outlook.
● 全方位宣传推广,国际买家云集
Publicizing and promoting in an all-around way, gathering international buyers
CIAAA2017 attracted almost 500 exhibitors from Korea, Germany, Japan, India, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The sponsors publicized and reported the expo in an all-around way by means of various media such as TV, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and mobile network, etc.
● 红娘牵线,减少展商、采购商之间的交易环节
Serving as an agency to simplify the trading links between exhibitors and purchasers
During and after the expo, the sponsors will designate customer service staff to serve as agents to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers. 27 clients got the agency service from sponsors during and after CIAAA2017.
● 专业服务,高效传播
Publicizing efficiently through professional service
The sponsors will send the latest news of fairs and expos to the professional buyers in a “one-to-one” manner by means of inviting by calling, sending periodicals, faxing or sending E-mails, weibo and WeChat, so as to gain competitive advantages for exhibitors and contend for the initiative in the market!
● 厚积薄发,海量买家资源配套
Supporting materials of numerous buyers
The sponsors, through their own channels, media as well as the database of industrial buyers collected by partners both home and abroad, have verified over 72,000 pieces of effective data of buyers, of which more than 31% data show active purchasing needs.
Ⅰ.All series of batteries: lithium-ion battery, lead-acid battery, solar cell, Hydrogen fuel cell , supercapacitor, Graphene battery ,Power Battery Modules and PACKs, etc.
II.All variety of battery materials: cathode materials, anode materials, electrolytes, battery separators, graphene materials and other battery-related materials;
III. Various energy storage batteries: solutions for energy storage batteries and systems such as Power system, communication base station, home energy storage, wind power generation, solar power generation, wind-solar hybrid power system, micro grid, solar street lamp, landscape lamp and traffic light, etc;
IV. Energy storage technologies: photovoltaic energy-storage power source, photovoltaic grid-connected inverter, solar pumping inverter, energy storage converter, UPS, anti-static inverter, grid-connected island system, voltage stabilizer, rectifier, resistance filter and battery management system (BMS);
V. Integrated solutions of energy storage system: energy storage battery management system, energy monitoring management system, energy Internet technology, off-grid household energy storage system, grid-connected energy storage system, lithium battery UPS system, integration of high power devices and integrated solutions of PACK, etc.;
6. 电池用搅拌、涂布、对辊、分条、制片、卷绕、装配、烘烤、入壳、除湿、注液、封口、焊接、化成等工序相关设备、测试仪器及零配件;
VI. Battery-related equipment, test equipment and spare parts for stirring, coating, roll-to-roll, slitting, sheet-making, winding, assembly, baking, shelling, dehumidification, injection, sealing, welding, chemical conversion, etc.;
7. 电池外壳、极耳、盖帽、连接线、电池监控/灭火装置、电池零配件加工设备等;电池行业用三废处理设备;废旧电池回收处理技术与设备等。
VII. Battery case, tab, cap, connection cable, battery monitoring/fire extinguishing device, battery spare parts processing equipment, etc.; equipment for disposing three wastes in battery industry; technologies and equipment for recycling and disposing waste batteries, etc.
Expenses for exhibition:
Standard booth 国内企业 RMB 11800元
Domestic enterprise: RMB 11800 yuan 外资企业 USD 3500元
Foreign-funded enterprises: USD 3500
空 地
Raw space 国内企业 RMB 1000元/M2(36 M2起租)
Domestic enterprise: RMB 1000 yuan/M2 (36 M2 as a minimum) 外资企业 USD 350/M2
Foreign-funded enterprises: USD 300 /M2
标摊配置: 三面展板、楣牌制作、光管、一桌两椅、10A/220V单相插座一个,射灯二盏,双开口另加收500元/个
Configurations for a standard booth: panels on three walls, making lintel board, light pipe, one desk and two chairs, a 10A/220V single-phase socket, two spotlights. In case of double openings, additional RMB 500 yuan shall be charged.
Technical seminar/product presentation meeting:
Technical seminar/product presentation meeting RMB 8000元/45 分钟(可容纳300人会议室)
RMB 8000 yuan/45 minutes (a 100-person meeting room)
广告服务:Advertising service:
入场券 5000元/1万张
Entrance tickets RMB 5,000 yuan/ 10,000 tickets 巨型充气拱门1.2 万元/个
Huge inflatable archway RMB 12,000 yuan archway
参观证(独家) 3.8 万元
Visitor’s card (exclusive) RMB 38,000 yuan 气球条幅 8000元/组
Scroll under balloons RMB 8,000 yuan/set
Western glass curtain wall advertising 100 yuan / square (50 square from) 北面户外广告20000元/幅 (25m*8.2m)
North advertising 20000 yuan/frame (25m*8.2m)
大会环保袋独家赞助 3.8万元
Conference bag exclusive sponsored 38,000 yuan 大会瓶装水广告赞助3.8万元
Conference bottled water advertising sponsored 38,000 yuan
—— CIAAA2019,精彩再现 ——
—— CIAAA2019, another excellent event——
Industrial Dictionary —— Complete Collection of International Battery Purchasing serving CIAAA2019 perfectly
Complete Collection of International Battery Purchasing is a Chinese-English bilingual dictionary which includes the most complete information and technologies of battery industry. The dictionary which is published for readers all over the world is a professional manual and reference book based on large market. It’s convenient to look up this practical book which has complete information. Hence, it’s the first choice and necessary book for enterprises and individuals engaging in manufacturing, technology, R&D, marketing, trading and consulting in battery/lithium battery industry. This book is published in two periodicals every year, and 40000 volumes are printed as a minimum for each periodical. The fifth edition will be published in late May, 2018. The book is offered free of charge by distributing at expos, distributing at regional associations and posting. Its circulation covers all important links of battery and energy storage industry. With huge circulating network, it can connect to the competent departments, senior leaders and association principals in charge of enterprises engaging in production and distribution in battery and energy storage industry in China. It will have a great influence thanks to powerful market publicizing and promotion at expos. Paying attention to clients of our clients is our fundamental principle for providing services. Hence, we choose people who play an important role in business operation in the industry as our targeted readers.
For more information, please contact the organizing committee of the expo
Add: Room 209-211, Qixing Business Center Zone B Block A, No. 35, Huangcun East Road,Tianhe District, Guangzhou City
电 话:020-32232787 32235686 传 真:020-32232593
Tel: 020-32232787 32235686 Fax: 020-32232593
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